Gary Pecuch, in his book "Faith Webbing", writes: "Our vision is to wrap our children and youth in a web of faith so loving and caring that they will know Christ and always want to be part of a local congregation. The goal is to envelop our children and youth with as many people of faith of all ages as possible - people whose faith they can admire and emulate."
At Grace, we are your faith family. Being such, we have spent the last year reevaluating how we wish to do Sunday School. The education of our children and youth is very important, but the way this information gets passed on to future generations does not need to happen in a closed door classroom of similar ages where students spend one hour hearing stories, doing crafts and playing games and then going home. Information is good, but transformation is better.
Here at Grace Lutheran Church we are going to be focusing on an intergenerational model to help our young people develop relationships amongst the whole congregation. We can spend these times teaching and learning, but what is more important is helping our young people to see the value and love of the local church. We will be reading the Bible together, doing activities together, playing together, and most importantly, praying together. Every year we will go through major stories with questions that help us discuss what the story is about and why it matters. Our team will be coming up with various activities that will build relationships and add to the learning process. There will also be monthly memory verses for the whole congregation to memorize as a family. May God bless our time together as we walk this journey of faith.
We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. - Psalm 78:4